Strategic Hypnosis
Hypnosis is an easy, deeply relaxing, inward focus of your mind.
Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy, what does it do?
During our life we learn certain habits and actions that will become habitual or an unconscious process. Mostly they work very well. It’s only when those processes become a hindrance and work against us that we look for help.
The great things about psychotherapy is that it’s not intense. It’s not about reliving the past to make sense of the events or issue.
Instead we look at ‘how you do’ the structure of the unhelpful pattern holding you back in order to find a resolution. The belief being, that we do have the ability and resources to heal ourselves.
In most instances we can readily actualize change because the resources are already there. However, sometimes new strategies or processes may be required in order to facilitate a desired outcome. The overall feel and experience of this unique technique is one of relaxed focused attention.
Psychotherapy combined with Hypnotherapy is a brief therapy intervention. It allows for effortless integration to occur at the core level (unconscious mind). Because it is a solution-oriented therapy it requires your co-operation and active participation for a successful outcome.
Hypnotherapy is the therapeutic part of the process, it enables the changes of unwanted beliefs, habits and negative emotions. This is done by use of Ericksonian techniques, including Metaphors, which is one of the easiest ways to have your unconscious mind accept positive changes.
The outcome is that it allows for the unconscious/conscious mind to become congruent by accepting only the most beneficial suggestions, for you. The result, you will feel better and it will be easier for you to motivate yourself to take significant action toward attaining your goals.
The therapeutic intervention selected for you will only be made with your understanding, acceptance, approval and consent in a safe and caring environment.
Why is Hypnotherapy so effective?
The power of our conscious thinking is stimulated by drivers running your unconscious mind. The unconscious mind acts on a purely ethical and moral level and will only accept suggestions deemed appropriate to you. Often, we don't know why we respond to situations in our lives the way we do. During the hypnotherapy session, this will become apparent and positive changes can then be implemented.
The unconscious mind runs how you assimilate your perceptions; it controls all functions of the body; it's the domain of the emotions; it holds all issues needing resolution. Hypnotherapy is one of the best tools to help that change.
The unconscious mind learns quickly; this is why hypnotherapy is an effective and lasting intervention. Most times your outcome can be achieved between 3 to 6 sessions.
Hypnotherapy works by bypassing the critical faculty (conscious mind), to assist the unconscious mind in accepting other more positive choices.
During hypnosis, you may notice a heightened awareness of your surroundings; you hear external sounds clearer; you may feel how your body is relaxing; and experience mental quietness. While focusing on my voice, allow yourself to follow my suggestions.
Hypnotherapy is both life-enhancing and life-changing. Living Life Hypnotherapy aims to create a safe and caring environment to help you change the way you live your life.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is hypnosis, how does it work, and what are the limitations?
Hypnosis allows the hypnotherapist to directly communicate to your unconscious, by-passing the critical faculty of the mind. This assists in releasing old patterns that hold you back; allowing new, empowering suggestions from the hypnotherapist to be integrated and actualised.
Constructive changes can be made to most behaviours, beliefs and emotions. The exceptions are for people suffering from most psychiatric disorders, dementia and epilepsy.
Where can Hypnotherapy work the best?
Hypnotherapy is most effective on habits, beliefs and negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt and frustration. It also helps with anxiety, phobias, sleep disturbance and weight concerns. Hypnotherapy provides you with the tools to navigate major life changes. It equips you with techniques for positive self worth and self esteem. The areas I specialise in are: Anxiety/Phobia/Sleep Disturbance/Life Changes/Weight Issues.
It is NOT you!
Your strategies or programming are NOT you. They are a part of a functioning mental, emotional and behavioural process you learnt or copied or have used from early childhood to now. They can be changed and/or improved to become positive, life-enhancing and goal-focused.
When you change your focus, a limiting belief or habit and remove the charge on a negative emotion, your outlook will change. Resulting in a change to your daily behaviour which will enable you to perform better.
How will I know I’m hypnotised?
Your awareness will be heightened, e.g. cars driving past also the twittering of birds will sound clearer. When you go into the state of trance, I note certain visual clues, such as, your breathing that will tell me you are in a trance. There is nothing you need to think about doing; it is best to simply maintain your relaxed focus and listen to my voice, follow the suggestions given and to trust the process.
Is a deep trance necessary for hypnosis to work?
No, you can just as easily accept suggestions when in a light trance.
Is it mind control?
No, because you are in control. Hypnosis is not mind control. This is a safe process. Let me give you an example, imagine me as the passenger in your car, and you are the driver. As we come to a cross-section, I can point you in the right direction, but it’s up to you if you want to go that way.
I, as the facilitator, am purely reliant on your ability to follow and to accept the instructions. You, as the controller, have the choice to change and make it happen for you. You have to want hypnotherapy to be effective, for it to work. It’s up to you.
Is it like what I see in movies?
No. Over the years some people have sensationalised the hypnotic process by claiming it’s magical, TV shows giving it the ‘woo-woo’ factor or stage hypnosis making it look like people are not in control, this is because it is geared to entertain.
In essence any hypnosis it is entirely dependent upon you to choose to accept the suggestion, or not. Even stage hypnosis, when done for your well-being, can be beneficial. But most of the time it’s done just for fun.
Does it matter if I’m on medication?
Hypnotherapy is safe if you are on medication; nevertheless, it is recommended that you advise your GP or Specialist that you are having Hypnotherapy. Most importantly, you need to let me know.
Will I remember everything you said?
What you do or don’t remember is really not important to achieving your desired outcome; because your unconscious mind is listening all the time, and will accept the best suggestion. Overthinking the process with your conscious mind can get in the way of the therapeutic intervention.
Please note: You will have the option to record your hypnotherapy session.
Will I lose control or Will I lose myself?
No. Because you are in control. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. At any point during the hypnotic session, you can open your eyes and talk. It is always advisable to also raise your concerns before the session. As the fear of the hypnotic process will interfere with the therapy’s effectiveness unless addressed.
What if I’m not sure?
If you are concerned about the process, please call and enquire. We can establish very quickly whether you will respond to hypnotherapy; giving you the opportunity to feel assured this process will work for you.
What if I fall asleep?
That can happen on occasion. Unlike the conscious mind, the unconscious mind knows what is going on; however, for the therapeutic process to be absorbed it would be good for you to be in a deeply relaxed state, similar to the feeling prior to sleep.
Please note: You can record the session and replay it at home whilst relaxing.
Does Hypnotherapy work for everyone?
Hypnotherapy is a complementary healing modality. Hypnotherapy is an individual experience. It really helps with the therapeutic process when you come with an open and positive expectation.