

A workshop designed to get you out of the habit of reducing and putting on weight!

With easy-to-follow suggestions and handy tips, it becomes possible for you.

Emotional Eating, Binge Eating, Snacking, Overeating, don’t stop eating – Right?  

Then I don’t need to tell you how difficult it is to overcome the inner pull that tells you to get something to eat. Nearly 75% of what we eat is a way of coping with emotional agitation such as anxiety, stress, boredom, inner turmoil, excitement, and, yes, happiness. As you know, the downside of emotional eating is that you don’t care at the time! And it’s only afterwards, whenever that is, one hour, one week, one month, 3 months or 6 months, that it causes you to feel worse because the side effects are disheartening.

Even with the gentle cautioning voice whispering to you to stop and not do - it can’t overrule the emotional desire to eat. Sound familiar? Wouldn’t it be great if you could listen to that little voice rather than cope with the disappointing after-effects?

This workshop is designed to assist you in overcoming stuck, bored, lonely, or restless emotional hunger and enable you to take back control by helping you to more effectively deal with the snack urge.

It will help you focus on eating healthier meals which may assist with your weight issues. You may experience a feeling of having more energy during the day and it enables you to enjoy better quality sleep.

This workshop targets the underlying issues that accompany emotional eating and supports you in positively and effectively handling your emotional impulse to eat. You will learn ways to overcome the triggers, aiding you in releasing, clearing, and treating the roadblocks, creating an effective way to regain and maintain control. These techniques are taught and practised during the sessions. You will better understand how to take control and overcome emotional eating with your willingness to act and achieve your outcomes.

The sessions will offer you:

•         Understanding the motivations behind emotional eating.

•         How to overcome them

•         Releasing limiting beliefs.

•         Empowering activities to help keep you on track.

The benefits of a group session are:

•         You will have someone sharing your experience.

•         Excellent for people who are looking to overcome the diet cycle.

•         Excellent for setting goals.

•         Helps you focus on your outcomes.

•         Provides you with life-long self-help techniques.

•         Perfect for eliminating negative emotions and some limiting beliefs, for example, I can’t stop eating, I can’t achieve what I want.

•         From experience, it also helps to know that you are not the only one feeling or experiencing these issues.

•         Opportunity to do follow-up sessions.

•         This is not a dietary weight-loss programme; however, clients who followed the recommendation were able to reduce their weight effectively.

•         It works very well with a weight loss programme of your choice.

•         It will help you with weight management and maintenance.

Points to Consider:

•         There can’t be a focus on specific individual issues; however, you do get to enjoy Group support.

•         Individual sessions are recommended for people who have had long-standing eating blocks or problems, e.g., bulimia or anorexia, and who suffer from uncontrollable binge eating.

•         It’s a cost-effective and very beneficial way of improving your overall lifestyle and health.

•         It’s good for clearing minor blocks, beliefs, and emotions.

•         Sessions are 3 hours long with a short Tea/Coffee pause – runs once a week for 7 weeks.

•         And a follow-up session 2 hours - 1 month later.

Group Session in Emotional Eating

The focus of these sessions is to provide you with effective tools to help overcome emotional eating. It will help you know what causes you to search for food and eat spasmodically, and at times unhealthily, throughout the day rather than being hungry and eating balanced meals.

So, how do you stop the cycle once you’re in it? In this course, I will help you recognise the triggers and provide you with the techniques to catch them and clear them before they get out of control. It also offers a number of practices that can be used to help you reduce emotional eating before you even start.

This is an effective and active workshop designed to stop you from impulse eating. See below what people had to say.

What People Are Saying

50 Years of pain, emotional eating, bullimia, sadness of abandonment all was lifted and taken away from me! It was extremely helpful. It opened up my eyes to new therapies - finally something that Works! Thank you so much, Lisa.


We are grateful for you, Lisa. For your support, your insights, and help during these past weeks, Michael and I would like to thank you. We have gained many wonderful ways to be better and slimmer too :))

From Michael and Adriana

I’m finally feeling like myself again. I haven’t felt so good since before my illness. Thank you!


Inspirational, very much needed this experience. Lisa is a beautiful, gentle teacher. Life changing experience. Very good. Lisa explains in a way that is easy to understand and follow. Insightful and inspirational. Have let go of a lot of stuff that was holding me back can move forward with the tools I now have.


I’ve got my eating under control and getting my weight down. I’m feeling really happy.


This stuff works!! I feel I have gained wisdom and the tools to use to help me. I feel this workshop has helped me to get in touch with my motivations and understand how to handle them. Thank you Lisa.

Deb M

Looking for Expression of Interest in joining:

Group Meditation

Have you been struggling with health concerns, relationships, weight or work issues and are looking to find ways to initiate a process of overcoming your current situation then please come and join us every Thursday night from 7.30pm until 9pm for Group Meditation.

For more information please contact me.